Some magic to find audio directories for graded lists
[sgc2.git] / wordlists / Contemporary Chinese chapters 1 + 2 / wordlist.Table
1 Pinyin  Character       Translation     Sound
2 ming2zi4        名字      name (of a person or thing)     -
3 guo2    国       country -
4 dou1    都       all     -
5 shuo1   说       to speak, to say        -
6 han4yu3 汉语      Chinese language        -
7 zhong1guo2      中国      China   -
8 na3     哪       how, which      -
9 lao3shi1        老师      teacher -
10 ying1yu3        英语      English (language)      -
11 fa3yu3  法语      French (language)       -
12 hai2shi4        还是      or, still, nevertheless -
13 xing4   兴       interest in something   -
14 tong2xue2       同学      classmate       -
15 zhi3    只       only, but       -
16 yi1dian3        一点      a bit, a little -
17 peng2you0       朋友      friend  -
18 qing3   请       to ask, to invite       -
19 xue2xi2 学习      to learn, to study      -
20 zai4    在       at, in  -
21 dian4hua4       电话      telephone       -
22 dian4zi3        电子      electronic, electron    -
23 you2jian4       邮件      mail, post      -
24 zen3me0 怎么      how? what?      -
25 da4xue2 大学      university      -
26 ke3yi3  可以      can, may, possible      -
27 dong1fang1      东方      east    -
28 xue2yuan4       学院      college, school -
29 zhe4    这       this    -
30 gong1zuo4       工作      to work -
31 xi3huan1        喜欢      to like, to be fond of  -